Getting started is the hardest part… So let’s do it together!
(1) Complete the Project Application
Tell me about your new idea! The more I know, the better the chance that I can dive in to your next growth project!
Revenue Goals
Target Market
Current Customer Base
Current Advertising Mediums
Current Website, Logo, Branding
Current Partnerships
(2) Start Brainstorming
If your application is accepted, I will personally email you to schedule a welcome call where we we will dive into some fun brainstorming together & identify easy project steps to bring your idea to life utilizing my network of supporting businesses, organizations, fundraisers, and/or followers.
(3) Run a Beta Test & Conduct Market Research
Once we have put together a plan, we will test the plan with a controlled test group & get real market research (and sales) so that we can tweak our plan and prepare to launch to the public. Sometimes all you need to bring your idea to life, is a group of supporters who also believe in you. I’d love to create that support group of supporters for you and develop the confidence you deserve to dream big!

Teamwork makes the Dream Work!
It all begins with an idea!
Maybe you own a business & want to boost sales by collaborating with a local organization? Maybe a family member is struggling and you want to help raise funds? Whatever is keeping you up at night, I would love to hear it so that I could do my very best to help raise funds!
Hi I am Heather Brady! I have had the honor to brainstorm, collaborate, and consult with some of the biggest hearts & most successful entrepreneurs in Berks County. If you have a new idea fueled with heart, passion, drive, and determination to share it with our community; then I want to help you put together a plan to bring your project to life!
Do It Local Consulting is my Pay-What-You-Can project consulting firm. I personally specialize in business development & marketing research. However, I have a team of local partner businesses who specialize in marketing, branding, digital design, social media, legal, accounting, and finance. Together we can implement a plan to bring your next idea to life!
My goal is to virtually stand by your side, while we implement & complete a project that gets you one step closer to your dream. I have connections with local media, fundraising organizations, charities, businesses, and a loyal follower base to support each of my projects.
Unfortunately, there are not have enough hours in a day to help everyone! However, I still encourage you to complete my project application above to see if your project will be selected as one of my upcoming projects for 2021! (If I cannot personally commit to your project, I may know someone who could! And remember… there are NO bad ideas!)
Brainstorming & supporting excited local entrepreneurs is my passion. What’s yours?
-Heather Brady, Do It Local Berks Founder