Colton’s Raisin Kindness Mission
“* This activity is not associated with Sun-Maid Growers of California.
About Raisin Kindness
Raisin Kindness is a project started by our local Board of Imagination Winner, "Colton from Mohnton.” The project’s goal originally was to spread kindness through snacks to all of the GM elementary school kids at Brecknock, Mifflin Park, and Cumru Elementary School, as well as Immanuel Preschool for the 2022-2023 school year.
Word got out! In January 2023, Colton had an overwhelming request to expand Raisin Kindness beyond Governor Mifflin, into neighboring school districts. This is when Colton created the Raisin Kindness Mission Postcards to launch a friendly competition that encouraged classrooms across Berks County to work together to complete acts of kindness throughout the month of February 2023 for the chance to earn a large prize snack box for their classroom!
Our 2nd Annual Raisin Kindness Mission took this concept and exponential grew! Teachers are now preplanning their kindness activities and ready to spread extra smiles throughout March with us to earn snacks for their classrooms while making a difference in our community!
This project is made possible by our amazing community of business sponsors, individual donors, Immanuel UCC of Shillington church family, and volunteers.
We are now planning our 2025 March Raisin Kindness Mission! Join us! With your love and generosity, we will continue this mission of spreading smiles & kindness for years to come. Please read more below!
Meet our 2024 Raisin Kindness Winning Classrooms
Daniel Boone
Mrs. Pritchard's Kind Kinders = 1866
Latimer's Super Helpers = 1506
Mrs. Blatt's First Grade Bunch = 961
Mrs. Lawlor's Kindergarten = 687
Seifert = 470
Mrs. Overley's First Grade = 360
Rowe's 3rd Grade = 287
Yenser 5th Grade with 692 acts of kindness
Ms. Zubey's Class with 210 acts of kindness
Plus we have 2 honorable mention classrooms who worked hard in the beginning of the contest that we also want to recognize:
The Splendiferous Smiths w
Resplendent Ruberts
Miss Harakel's Class 4H with 2940 acts of kindness
Mrs. Borkey's Bucket Fillers with 926 acts of kindness
Wronas Kindness Warriors with 398 acts of kindness
Honorable mentions:
Mrs. Edwards' Class
Crimmins' Critters
Team Forte
Twin Valley
Mrs. Kline's 1st Grade with a grand total of 307 acts of kindness!!!
Robeson Lutheran Preschool
Governor Mifflin
March Kindness - Mrs. Dervarics = 2921 (Brecknock)
Mrs. McIntyre’s Firsties = 1911 (Brecknock)
Mrs. Westover's 3rd Grade = 712 (Cumru)
Bubbalicious Blatts = 623 (GMIS)
Team Hyneman = 573 (Cumru)
Mrs. Keim's Kindergarten = 508 (Cumru)
P. Moore = 495 (Brecknock)
Connelly's KInd Kindergarteners = 414 (Mifflin Park)
Honorable Mentions include.....
Friendly Frogs 3’s & 4’s = 409 (Preschool)
Mrs. Radwanski's Class = 368 (Cumru)
Mrs. Smith 1st Grade Mifflin Park = 275 (Mifflin Park)
Mrs. Hoelscher's 1st Grade = 272 (Cumru)
Fream Team = 256 (Cumru)
Mrs. Turtell's Class = 125 (Cumru)
Mrs. Hathaway = 114 (Cumru)
Red Knight Workforce RHS with 1848 acts of kindness
Mrs. Herbert's Kindergarten with 232 acts of kindness
Mrs. Shook's first grade class with 158 acts of kindness
2 additional classrooms that we would like to recognize as honorable mentions include:
Grate's Kind Hearts
Mrs. Reynolds's Classroom
Mrs. Kraft's 2nd Grade with a grand total of 530 acts of kindness!!!
Mrs. Werley’s Second Graders
DeCamillo Kindergarten Class with 3441 acts of kindness!!!
Mrs. Swoyer's 5th Grade Math with 419 acts of kindness
Mrs. Schoenly's Kindergarten Class with 237 acts of kindness
Ms. Harding's Class with 231 acts of kindness
Miss Merolillo's Class = 1651 (GV)
Leo's Kindness Crew = 1264 (GV)
Mrs. Peterson's 2nd grade = 672 (GV)
Mrs. Gibney's Kind Third Graders = 605 (GV)
Mrs. Mancias’s fifth graders = 476 (GV)
Mrs. Schappell's KINDergartners = 273 (GV)
Honorable Mentions include.....
Mrs. Huffs First Grade Class = 151 (Whitefield)
Group of Classrooms:
Mrs. Emery's 4th Grade Class, GES (Kutztown) with 192 acts of kindness
Mrs. Gwiazdowski's Class (SV) with 79 acts of kindness
JPii Generous Jammers with 76 acts of kindness
Meet our Grand Prize Winners!
Our 2024 Raisin Kindness Most Creative Class Mimmo's Pizza Party Award goes to:
Mrs Kline's 1st grade class (Twin Valley) made a video for the VIllanova Students that traveled to Uganda to help a school without bathrooms and clean water. They learned all about this mission and expanded their understanding on other countries and just how lucky we are in America. Learn more in this news clip.
Next up.... Our 2024 Raisin Kindness Sweetest Class Sweet Ride Ice Cream Party Award goes to:
DeCamillo Kindergarten Class with 3441 acts of kindness!!! (Exeter)
And last but not least.... our overall Top Class with extra credit winning the $100 donation from Riverfront Credit Union goes to:
Miss Harakel's Class 4H with 2940 acts of kindness and over 5176 extra credit points (Hamburg)
… and our Stand Out Prize Winners!
The Most Inspiring Classroom (inspired other classes and encouraged other classes, sports teams, etc to also spread kindness within their community) goes to Mrs. Dervarics Class at Brecknock Elementary School with their cards to other classrooms, sports leagues, and classroom outreach efforts.
2nd Place Most Creative Classroom goes to Mrs Bonnie Blatt's Classroom with their school wide surprise party for a well deserving teacher! (which brought tears to our eyes!)
Best Sponsorship Card that Popped = Pop Party with popsicles and treats goes to Mrs. Ashley's Smith's Class for her very creative homemade card by her entire class complete with a QR code that linked to a video message from her classroom to their school district sponsor Katie Broskey! (It even brought tears to our eyes!)
Follow our impact on Facebook!
Raisin Kindness Mission!
2025 Raisin Kindness will run
March 1st - April 4th
What do I have to do for my group of kids to be a part of Raisin Kindness?
Register your classroom or children’s group using this link before September 30th to get all of the features of the program. You will receive an official Raisin Kindness Acts of Kindness Checklist for your school district with easy kindness ideas for students to check off throughout March.
Distribute your Kindness Checklists to your classrooms on March 1st.
Encourage your kids in your group to complete these acts of kindness at home, in the classroom, during sports practices, …anywhere! The goal is to spread kindness throughout each day!
On April 4th we will have you collect the completed checklists and enter the information through a google form so that we can tally the winners for the prize snack bins!
The week of April 15th we will deliver the winning snack boxes to each school district & pick up the checklists to confirm the winners.
The week of April 22nd we will announce the GRAND PRIZE WINNING CLASSROOMS based on the checklist we collect (exact details on Grand Prizes will be announced later this year!).
Donations are always appreciated!
There are 4 main ways to donate this year:
Business Sponsorships
Online through Go Fund Me (link)
Purchasing one of our Raisin Kindness Magnets (link)
Snack Donations to our church Immanuel UCC of Shillington!
Pretzels, Goldfish, Cookies, Raisins - things that will last a few months are great donation items! To arrange a donation drop off, please email heather@doitlocalberks.com.
Thank you!

More Snacks This Year!
2024 Raisin Kindness Prize Snack Boxes included a larger variety of individual bags of snacks than our first year! Snacks included were:
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish
Tom Sturigis Pretzels
Herr’s Popcorn
Diffenbach Potato Chips
and of course SunMaid Raisins thanks to our friends at Redner’s Fresh Markets!
Ice Cream Party for the "Sweetest Class" - the class who does the most acts of kindness made possible by Sweet Ride Ice Cream (link)!
Pizza Party for the "Most Creative Class" - the class who does the most creative kind act made possible by Mimmo's (link)!
and... drum roll please... THERE IS A CASH PRIZE made possible by Riverfront Credit Union (link) for the classroom who earns the most amount of points! (during extra credit weeks, you can earn extra points so the "sweetest class" and the Cash Prize winner won't be the same).
Meet our 2024 Raisin Kindness Teams
Daniel Boone
Mrs Blatt’s First Grade Bunch
Rowe's 3rd Grade
Mrs. Pritchard's Kind Kinders
Mrs. Overley's 1st Grade
Latimer’s Super Helpers
Mrs. V's second graders
Fourth Grade Friends
Mrs. Lawlor's Kindergarten
Team Woram
Lillis’s Legendary League
Yenser's Kind Kids
Miss Zukowski's Happy Zappy Z's
Mrs. Kemmerer's Class
Mrs. Quillman
Ms. Zubey's Fifth Grade Class
Resplendent Ruberts
The Splendiferous Smiths
Wrona's Kindness Warriors
Miss Harakel's Class 4H
Crimmins' Critters
Mrs. Borkey's Bucket Fillers
TEAM F (Together Everyone Achieves More Friends)
Team Forte
Mrs. Edwards
Twin Valley
Mrs. Kline's 1st Grade
PKC Belugas
Governor Mifflin
Mrs. Westover’s 3rd Grade
Fream Team
Mrs. Hoelscher's 1st Grade
Team Hyneman
Mrs. Taylor's 2nd Grade
Mrs. Trievel's Class
Mrs. Hathaway
Mrs. McIntyre’s Firsties
Friendly Frogs 3’s & 4’s
Mrs. Keim’s Kindergarten
Rudolph 207
Kind Kindergartners ❤️
Bubbalicious Blatts
Mrs. Turtell's Class
Mrs. Radwanski's Class
Miss. Latchum's 2nd Grade
Mrs. Smith 1st Grade Mifflin Park
March Kindness - Mrs. Dervarics
Mrs. Herbert's Kindergarten
Mrs. Petersen's Kindergarten Class
Mrs. Shook's first grade class
Grate's Warm Hearts
Mrs. U's First Grade
Mrs. Reynolds's Classroom
Red Knight Workforce RHS
Mrs. Kraft’s 2nd Grade
Mrs. Werley’s Second Graders
Hernandez 4
DeCamillo Kindergarten
Third Grade Eagles
Mrs. Swoyer's 5th Grade Math
Team Hummel 1st Grade
Team Sim
Mrs. Blatt
Ms. Hirschtritt
Mrs. Davis
Ms. Harding's Class
Burns’ Busy Bees
OVES Kindergarten Kindness
Mrs. Schoenly's Kindergarten Class
Ms. Gardecki 5th grade
Mrs. Whalen's Second Grade
Mrs. Huff’s 1st grade class
2nd Grade - Whitfield
Mrs. Peterson's 2nd grade
Mrs. Gibney's Kind Third Graders
Mrs. Schappell's KINDergartners
Rivera's Impact Makers
Mrs. Mancias’s fifth graders
Mrs. Gomm's 5th Grade
Mrs. Weidenhammer’s 5th Grade Class
Miss Merolillo's Class
Leo's Kindness Crew
Group of Classrooms:
Mrs. Gwiazdowski’s Class (SV)
JPII's Generous Jammers (JPII)
SCS Grade 3 Ms. Parks (SCS)
Home Free Acres Co-op (Homeschool)
Mrs. Emery's 4th Grade Class, GES (Kutztown)
All thanks to YOU!
Colton won the 2023 Youth Philanthropy Award for launching Raisin Kindness!
Consider Becoming a Raisin Kindness Sponsor
Local businesses are our main source of donations, if you’d like to get involved in this mission of spreading kindness and snacks please contact heather@doitlocalberks.com!
Sponsor Mailing Addresses for Raisin Kindness Thank You Notes
Sponsor Mailing Addresses for Thank You Notes:
Lisa Eshelman, RE/MAX of Reading
1290 Broadcasting Rd
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Katie Broskey REALTOR®, Keller Williams Platinum Realty
60 Commerce Drive
Wyomissing, PA 19610
The Scott Jaraczewski Team - Iron Valley Real Estate Berks (link)
Attention Scott and Erica
50 Berkshire Ct
Suite 200
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Attention Kevin
Email kevin@madjmarketing.com
Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials Inc.
Attention Kelly Edwards
2120 Fairmont Ave
Reading, PA 19612
Immanuel UCC of Shillington (link)
Attention Rev Meg
99 S Waverly St
Shillington, PA 19607
Berks County Community Foundation (link)
Attention Kim
237 Court St
Reading, PA 19601
Do It Local Berks (link)
Attention Heather
1 Ridge Ct
Mohnton PA 19540
Riverfront Federal Credit Union (link)
Attention Shawnae Lorenz
2609 Keiser Blvd
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Tom Sturgis Pretzels
Attention Michelle
2267 Lancaster Avenue
Shillington, PA 19607
Sun-Maid Growers of California
6795 N. Palm Ave.
2nd Floor
Fresno, CA 93704-1088
Dieffenbach’s Potato Chips, Inc.
Attention Carol Hess
51 Host Road
Womelsdorf, PA 19567
Sponsor Mailing Addresses for Thank You Notes Continued:
Attention Mike
290 Morgantown Rd
Reading, PA 19611
Tyler Miller Real Estate Team, Keller Williams Platinum Realty (link)
60 Commerce Dr
Wyomissing, PA 19610
David Hinkel, Coldwell Banker Realty
60 Commerce Dr
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Attention Angie
542 Penn Avenue
West Reading, PA 19611
Attention Kristi
101 N 7th Ave
Reading, PA 19611
Motta's Country Gardens and Landscaping (Link)
Mailing Address: Attention Amanda
180 Troxel Road
Birdsboro, PA 19508
Toph Miller at Pagoda Realty & Property Management (link)
1813 Reading Blvd
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Allison Kercher Realtor at Pagoda Realty & Property Management (link)
4951 Dunham Dr
Reading, PA 19606
O'Neill McKoy Real Estate Group (link)
Attention: Melinda
2741 Bernville Road
Leesport, PA 19533
Muhammad Archie, Realtor (link)
1017 Antonio Dr
Reading, PA 19605
Redner’s Markets, Inc.
Attention Eric B. White
3 Quarry Road
Reading, Pa. 19605-9787
Tru by Hilton Denver
Attention Linda Lovenstein
400 N Reamstown Rd
Denver, PA 17517
Pepperidge Farm
Donations Department
2195 N Reading Rd
Denver, PA 17517
Herr Foods, Inc.
Attention Maryann Tice
P.O. Box 300
Nottingham PA 19362
The first annual Raisin Kindness Mission was a success!
In order to combat depression during the winter months, our local Sun-Maid Raisin Winner, Colton, collaborated with schools, libraries, and local businesses across Berks County to create the first annual Raisin Kindness Mission which encouraged elementary & preschool students to complete acts of kindness in order to earn large snack bins for their classroom during the month of February 2023!
We are so excited to announce that 9,874* acts of kindness were reported for our first Raisin Kindness Mission!
Like our Raisin Kindness Facebook Page to see photos of our classrooms’ kind acts & snacks!
Spreading Smiles & Sharing Snacks!
The Wyomissing Neighbors Article shared how Raisin Kindness impacted the local Teacher winners at Wyomissing School District
Watch the WFMZ News Report on Colton’s Lemonade Stand for his teacher.
Kids can make a difference and this story proves it! Colton hopes this story inspires other young kiddos to dive in and make a difference! #RaisinKindness
BCTV.org Interview on SunMaid’s BOI Experience
The Raisin Kindness Mission formed after Colton won the National SunMaid Contest in 2022 to join their Board of Imagination for the 2022-2023 school year. Learn more in this interview.
Berks County Living “In the Lime Light” Feature
In the Limelight with Colton Brady, Board of Imagination Member with Sun-Maid
by Sarah Matarella, Photography by John A. Secoges, Secoges Photographics
Q: How did winning the Sun-Maid contest snowball into other opportunities?
“We started the Raisin Kindness project so that Colton’s friends and students at other Elementary Schools received free snacks as well and then our project spread throughout the whole Governor Mifflin School District,” says Heather Brady, Colton’s mom. “The word got out to local donors and other school districts, and they wanted to get involved… Now we have snack boxes with all of Sun-Maid’s flavored raisins, Goldfish and Milano cookies in about 30 different classrooms in 14 school districts.”
Q: What else did you work on during your position over the 2022-2023 school year?
On Zoom, we talked with Chef Duff [Goldman] about making his Truce Cookie recipe, half oatmeal raisin and half chocolate chip, to leave them out for Santa. We had to send a video to Sun-Maid when we were making them. Then they made a cool video with all of [the Board of Imagination members'] videos.
Click below to read the full interview.

"During school, sometimes all you need is a little snack to turn your day around - or a kind message to make you smile. So I want to spread smiles and kindness through delicious snacks to all our GM Elementary Schools and beyond!" - Colton.
What we learned:
Follow our Raisin Kindness Facebook Page to share kindness ideas throughout the year!
The most appreciated acts of kindness completed during our first annual Raisin Kindness Mission were:
Hand written thank you cards & posters! Especially to our mission sponsors and Colton himself! What a surprise that truly made a lasting impact.
Bus Driver Gifts & Cards.
Janitor Office surprise gratitude decorations!
*We will add more awesome write-in acts as we go through the cards one by one to share!
Have ideas for Raisin Kindness? Colton’s only 8 years old, so snail mail is the best way to share them! His Raisin Kindness’s Mailing Address is:
Immanuel Church of Shillington
To Colton Brady, Raisin Kindness
99 S Waverly St
Shillington, PA 19607

“I know our teachers spend a lot of their own money buying snacks for students who don’t bring their own, so this would be so appreciated by staff. Please tell Colton that we are so grateful for his kindness and ideas.”
— Principal Paparella, Mifflin Park Elementary School
Raisin Kindness Winning Classrooms/Teams
Let’s congratulate these 2023 KIND Classroom Winners!
Mrs Melissa Griffith (Conrad Weiser) thanks to the sponsorship from Savage L&B Dodge Chrysler Jeep RAM!
Katie Schweigert (Conrad Weiser) thanks to the sponsorship Lisa Eshelman Re/Max of Reading!
Danielle Tonsil (Wilson) at the Wernersville Library thanks to our sponsor Lisa Eshelman, RE/MAX of Reading!
Bonnie Blatt (Daniel Boone) at the Boone Area Library thanks to Empire Home Center's Sponsorship!
Mrs Lawlor (Daniel Boone) at Skin Sanctuary thanks to Skin Sanctuary in West Lawn!
Mrs Beth Seifert (Daniel Boone) at Vincenzo's Ristorante!
Shannon Stoltz (Governor Mifflin) at Immanuel UCC thanks to Darren Kostival, RE/MAX of Reading!
Mrs. Connelly (Governor Mifflin) at Sunny’s Car Wash thanks to Katie Broskey REALTOR®, Keller Williams Platinum Realty!! (*you are getting a special delivery from Katie!!)
Mrs Haley Taylor (Governor Mifflin) at Sunny’s Car Wash thanks to Katie Broskey REALTOR®, Keller Williams Platinum Realty!! (I will deliver it straight to you!)
Mrs Bakers Fighters at Immanuel UCC thanks to Darren Kostival, RE/MAX of Reading! (I will deliver it straight to you!)
Home Free Acres at Mimmo's Restaurant thanks to Mimmo's Restaurant!!
Christina Reber (Governor Mifflin) at Elite Leadership Martial Arts Academy thanks to Elite Leadership Martial Arts!
Heather Trievel (Governor Mifflin) thanks to Pepperridge Farms! (I will deliver it straight to you!)
Mrs Jen Buggy (Hamburg) at LaFaver Family Farm thanks to our sponsor Perry Indoor Golf & Billiards! *Your prize box is in transit - wait for confirmation before picking it up!
Mrs Sandy Borkey at Perry Indoor Golf & Billiards thanks to our sponsor Perry Indoor Golf & Billiards! *Your prize box is in transit - wait for confirmation before picking it up!
Kelly Murphy Miraculous Murphys (Muhlenberg) at East Coast Sports Academy thanks to East Coast Sports owners!
Mrs LeClair (SV) at the Muhlenberg Community Library thanks to our sponsor The Scott Jaraczewski Team, United Real Estate Strive 212!
Mrs Katie Blatt (Oley) at Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex thanks to BodyZone themselves!
Mrs Claire Gibney (Wilson) at Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex thanks to BodyZone!
Robin Kline (Wyo) Class at Crave Café thanks to Crave Cafe!
Mrs B's preschool class at Yocum Institute for Arts Education thanks to our sponsor Lisa Eshelman, RE/MAX of Reading!
Elsa Mierzejewski (Yocum) at Skin Sanctuary Spa thanks to Skin Sanctuary Spa!
Mrs Weidenhammer's Wonderers (Wilson) at Sweet Ride Ice Cream thanks to Sweet Ride Ice Cream!
Andrea Kupiszewski / Kups Kind Kids (Wyo) at Taqueria Comalli thanks to Taqueria Comalli!
Mrs Mandy Kraft (Wyo) at the Reading Public Museum thanks to the Reading Public Museum
A four way tie at the Exeter Community Library thanks to our sponsor Empire Home Center! *4 Bags of snacks will be left, 2 are a little bigger than the others so first come first choice!
Megan Parks (St. Catharine of Siena)
Mrs. Cynthia Williamson 2nd grade (St. Catharine of Siena)
Ms. Nicole Harding (Oley)
Mrs. Amy Wright - (ETSD - Owatin Creek)
Mrs Serafin (SV) at Klinger’s at the Airport thanks to Klingers at the Airport!
Mrs Werley (Wyo) at Schuylkill Valley Library thanks to Tyler Miller, Keller Williams Realty!
Mrs Kelli Zimmerman (SV) at Schuylkill Valley Librarythanks to Tyler Miller, Keller Williams Realty!
K4 Class at Robeson Lutheran Church & Preschool thanks to our sponsor David Hinkel, Coldwell Banker Realty!
Goddard School of Morgantown thanks to our sponsor Kog Hill Winery | 105 Twin County Rd, Morgantown Open Fri & Sat 12pm-8pm◦Sun 12pm-6pm
Mrs Hubert at the Honey Brook Community Library thanks to our sponsor Kog Hill WInery (this is being delivered by our friends at the Goddard School of Morgantown).
Mrs Swoyer (Oley) at the Oley Valley Library thanks to our sponsor Empire Home Center!
Alyssa Herbert (Reading) at Great American Creamery thanks to Great American Creamery! *This will be delivered.
Amber Myers at the Bethel-Tulpehocken Library thanks to our sponsor Empire Home Center! *I will figure out a time to get up to Tulpehocken next week!
1st Place goes to Mrs Felicia Pritchard with 665 acts of kindness!
2nd Place overall goes to Home Free Acres with 579 acts of kindness!
We appreciate all photos that you share to fill our social media for the next couple of months and to use potentially in our press releases as well!
We will definitely do it again next year!! It was so heartwarming, uplifting, inspiring, and truly incredible to see so many smiles this month!
You all rock!!
Who can join this Mission for Year 2 (Winter 2024)?
All Berks County Elementary & Preschool Classrooms (Preschool through 6th grade) as well as Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other youth groups with children aged 2-12. Registration is now open!
Why Winter?
Statically depression is higher in our area than other months of the year. Kindness is the easiest way to remind someone that they matter. Not only will your elderly neighbor love a homemade card, but it also feels really good to spread smiles for the students as well!

“Colton is a Rockstar! What an awesome entrepreneurial idea to spread some love and snacks.”
— Principal Kopetsky, Brecknock Elementary School
Who started Raisin Kindness?
7-Year-Old Colton Brady from Brecknock Elementary School who won the Sun-Maid Raisin National Contest in March 2022.
What does The Raisin Kindness Mission do?
Encourage elementary aged students to complete random acts of kindness to earn snacks for their classroom.
Why is this project important?
Hungry kids struggle to focus. Kindness is needed now in our schools more than ever.
How can you help?
Talk to your kids about fun ways to spread kindness throughout their classrooms and beyond!
Join our Raisin Kindness Mission!
Please like our Raisin Kindness Facebook Page and watch for updates and help spread the word on this awesome mission!

More about Colton
" Hi, I am Colton! I served on the Board of Imagination at Sun-Maid Raisins in the Fall for the 2022-2023 School Year. Part of my prize was winning a bottomless snack locker full of snacks for a year for my school, Brecknock Elementary! My friends loved it! Trying to stay focused on learning when your belly is growling is near impossible!
I started Raisin Kindness to raise enough funds to expand snacks for a year to Cumru, Mifflin Park, and Immanuel Preschoo (the other GM Elementary schools & my brother’s preschool). Shortly after stocking their classrooms with the awesome sour raisin snacks, I was getting requests from neighboring school districts who also wanted to try out my favorite raisins!
With the help of my family, my church, and our awesome local business sponsors; I developed the Raisin Kindness Mission which launched February 2023 that allowed any classroom in Berks County to complete acts of kindness (using our postcards) for the chance win snacks for their classroom.
More about the Mission
In addition to the awesome variety of Sun-Maid Snacks, we will also be adding delicious pretzel snacks from Unique Snacks a local Berks Manufacturer and Pepperridge Farms (which is also made locally!)
Fun Fact: Colton picked pretzels because they are “Pennsylvania’s cracker” and they also look like a hug.
More about Colton's BOI Contest:
Visit our Blog to read articles about Colton's Journey through the Board of Imagination National Contest at Sun-Maid which won Brecknock snacks for a year!
Colton encourages local kids to consider competing for next year's Board of Imagination with Sun-Maid . Like Sun-Maid's Facebook page to stay up to date on when the application process begins.
This activity is not associated with Sun-Maid Growers of California.

This activity is not associated with Sun-Maid Growers of California.