Vote Daily for Colton from Mohnton in the National Sun-Maid Board of Imagination Contest!
Eastern Pennsylvania and surrounding areas Unite! We have a local Raisin-Lover in the Sun-Maid National Contest! Colton from Mohnton (and also my son) has worked so hard to get to the finals in this Nationwide Contest to earn a spot on the Board of Imagination with his favorite snack - Sun-Maid!
Vote for Colton once a day, EVERY DAY, until March 9th: Click HERE to vote!!
Colton NEEDS your vote!
It is now up to the public to decide who will earn a seat on the Board of Imagination! There are 11 Kids in the final round of contesting. Sun-Maid will offer the top 5 Kids of the 11 who get the most public votes to join the Board of Imagination for the next year!
Please vote once a day, EVERY DAY, until March 9th!
More about Colton from Mohnton and his quest to become a member of the Board of Imagination for Sun-Maid!
Colton loves raisins and helping me brainstorm fundraising ideas for local organizations through our business Do It Local Berks! If Colton is selected for Sun-Maid’s Board of Imagination, he plans to share his philanthropy by sharing some cause marketing ideas. He wants to help local Berks organizations who help kids battle cancer and those who help kids find foster homes raise funds through Fundraising Ideas with Raisins. Colton also hopes to encourage other Raisin Loving Kids in other communities to follow his lead!
Locally, Colton is already planning a “Raisins for Ryder” campaign that would compliment the Rally for Ryder fundraising that we already do. Colton has already started brainstorming with Angie, owner of Sweet Ride Ice Cream, on some fun raisin ideas. (Which she loved!)
As a mom and an advocate of supporting local businesses while helping local organizations, I couldn’t be prouder of his “out of the raisin box” community driven ideas. If he wins, Sun-Maid will be so lucky to have Colton on their Board of Imagination. However, if he doesn’t - we already feel that we have won! The experience through this entire contesting has been incredible. Colton has truly found his passion and earned media to share it!
Click HERE to see his TV Interview with Tom Rader from WFMZ/ Channel 69 news Berks Edition. Colton has always hid in the background during TV interviews with Tom, but was also so curious what it would be like to be on TV. This contest finally gave him the confidence to step in front of the camera. One of Colton’s best friends, Sage, was so impressed by Colton’s composure on TV that she had to ask how he did it? Colton’s response, “I send Thank You videos to my family & friends who send me presents or share experiences with me for my birthday, Christmas, or just any day! I am truly appreciative of time together and I like to take the time to thank them through a video that my mom texts to them. … So when I was on TV, I just told myself I was making a Thank You video.”
Click button below to hear Colton’s Live on Air Radio Interview with Mike in the Morning on WEEU (his Dad’s favorite radio station!) He was less nervous than TV. He loved the opportunity and really loved earning the title “New Best Friend” with Mike! Their bond over raisins, raisin oatmeal cookies, and the Philadelphia 76ers sealed their lifelong friendship.
Click HERE to read Colton’s interview with BCTV on why he thinks he would be a great asset to Sun-Maid’s Board of Imagination! Sun-Maid is much more than just his favorite snack! He also love crafting with the little red boxes, and doing science experiments!
Click HERE to hear the amazing shout out from AJ on IOV (our favorite Country Music radio station!) Fun fact, Colton has been a huge AJ fan since his wife Lindsay used to make him Christmas cookies every year since he was born.
Click below to hear the on-Air love from Andi and Kenny on Y102 to VOTE for Colton! Fun fact, Colton and Andi’s daughter Rojo were born just a few days apart from each other. They shared many fun Y102 times together as toddlers and now cheer each other on as they grow to make a difference in our awesome community!
Click HERE to read the blog post from Andi on Y102.
Click HERE to view the awesome shout out from Berks County Living!
It wouldn’t have been so fun to campaign without the love and support of our friends, family, and community! The social shares, texts, and help with reminders to vote daily were amazing! Thank you Mommy, Poppop George, Grammy, Pops, Aunt Laurie, Uncle Frankie, Aunt Lisa, Great Poppop for constantly helping us make it fun to remind fans to vote every day! Thank you Uncle Brian & Aunt Becky for sharing on social media often as well as cousin Ashley and countless friends! And a huge shout out to Uncle Justin and the whole Titus Elementary School Team Colton crew for voting daily as part of your morning meeting!
Thank you to Justin Schneck for helping with our video audio!!!
Drew Bell - your post was amazing and certainly reached our community! THANK YOU!
AND A THANK YOU TO OUR ENTIRE Nextdoor community for their excitement!! The messages from friends & friends who I haven’t met yet were so heartwarming.
And a HUGE Thank YOU to Lamar for helping us send a friendly reminder to everyone in Berks County to VOTE DAILY for Colton from Mohnton! (I will never forget picking up Colton from school with Mommom & Connor … driving down the highway without him knowing we would see a bunch of billboards supporting him!
“MOM- IS THAT ME?!?… WOW That’s amazing! I love our community.” - Colton
I love our community too buddy! Isn’t it great truly being a part of a community! The stories that our friends at the radio stations and on TV have been sharing about how you have already helped kids with cancer, helped collect items for homeless friends, helped prepare food for homeless families, helped raise funds for cancer, helped foster kids know they are loved…. these stories are what will make our community always cheer you on! You are constantly thinking of others, making you already a huge part of this amazing community… our home.
Teamwork makes the dream work!!
You can vote for Colton once per day, EVERY DAY, until March 9th. We have started a Facebook Group where we share fun reminders to vote daily for Colton (as well as Thank You for voting Videos of course!) Join us!
Plus we cannot thank Redner’s Fresh Markets enough for their support in our campaign to VOTE FOR COLTON for the SUN-MAID BOARD OF IMAGINATION as well as Sweet Ride Ice Cream, SYMBIOTE COLLECTIBLES, and Giorgio’s Pizza in West Reading and their awesome owners & staff who let Colton hang up fliers and practice asking for votes in person!
More about Colton and this priceless experience during the Sun-Maid Raisin Board of Imagination Contest:
His first round of contesting included writing a story about a Raisin, a Prune, and a Mango.
His second round of contesting included submitting a Video where I asked him 4 questions (that I was not allowed to share with him until we were live on camera). This was to show his creativity and ability to think on his toes! If I do say so myself, this also is a great display of his sweet, kind, gentle and creative personality.
Now is is up to the public to decide who will earn a seat on the Board of Imagination! There are 11 Kids in the final round of contesting. Sun-Maid will offer the top 5 Kids of the 11 who get the most public votes to join the Board of Imagination for the next year!
More about the Sun-Maid Board of Imagination:
This awesome opportunity launched last year. Here’s an article that I found interesting that includes fun facts from Sun-Maid’s CEO on why they started this Board of Imagination. I also enjoyed this interview with “Sun-Maid's Chief Imagination Wrangler - Harry Overly.”
The Current Board of Imagination has 6 Members. What an amazing year they had working directly with Sun-Maid’s Marketing Department to brainstorm ideas and new product launches.
Vote for Colton on Sun-Maid's website: (SunMaid’s home page was fixed to include information on voting halfway through the contest! Making it easier to promote votes! Previously we had to share the long campaign URL which is why I created a QR code for it.)
The opportunity to be on the Board of Imagination at such a young age would allow Colton to use his natural marketing talents & passion to help others by working directly with the marketing team for his favorite snack! A dream come true.
Thank you to these other amazing media outlets for these articles!
Update: 3/13
…And now we wait!