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Date: Wednesday, April 21st (4/21)
Pick up time: 5:00-5:30pm
Neighborhood: Shillington/ 223 John Glenn Ave.
Host: Sue & Jennifer
Fundraiser: Good Shepherd Mission Foundation
Order Due Date: Monday 4/19 by 9pm.
Fundraiser or Location Questions? Email Jennifer:
Menu Questions? Contact Mike:, 610-373-2800
*Click the Meal Title or image below to order (or click HERE to order your meal.)
Click HERE to add Sweet Ride Ice Cream to your order! (To be picked up with your dinner.) *Minimum of 10 items (total for the Popup) for Sweet Ride must be placed. You will receive a cancellation email & a full Ice Cream refund if this Popup does not meet the minimum the day of the popup.